Monday, April 13, 2015

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment – Natural Remedies

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a rapidly growing problem across the world,there are many reasons of erectile dysfunction but stress, mental tension and bad lifestyle are the reasons.Erectile dysfunction treatment is easily possible with healthy lifestyle and healthy diet in most cases.
Erectile dysfunction treatment is easily possible with healthy lifestyle and healthy diet in most cases.
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction are mental tension, worry, masturbation, any accident, any disease or hormonal disturbance are the main causes of Impotence.Now let’s see easy home remedies for Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction.

Vaginitis – Causes, Symptoms & Natural Home Remedies

Vaginitis is Pain and swelling (inflammation) in vagina is known as vaginitis.Main cause of vaginitis or pain and swelling in vagina is Vata dosha or disturbed flow of air in vagina.

Symptoms of Vginitis :
Pain in vagina due to touch, friction etc. during sexual intercourse is the main symptom of vaginitis.
Generally, females think that it is a normal condition and all females experience it.
But, it is not a normal condition. It is acutally a disease which needs proper treatment.
Therefore, today I am telling you easy home remedies for vaginitis.