Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Amazing Benefits Of Horse Chestnut Oil

Ever heard of Horse chestnut oil? If not, then it’s about time you discovered this amazing and beneficial oil, Horse chestnut is an astringent that has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in the reduction of fluid retention by boosting the permeability of the capillaries.
Following are the the amazing benefits horse chestnut oil offers!

Prevents Aging:

Horse chestnut oil contains antioxidants that could provide you with a large number of benefits. These include promoting blood circulation or toning veins or capillaries. It has also been used for making expensive lotions, skin creams and moisturizers that improve your appearance and tighten your skin tone. Several slimming products have also used horse chestnut oil as their basic ingredient.

Removes Fluids:

Horse chestnut oil is also popularly known for removing excess fluid from your body. It does contain toxic chemicals, but is certainly one brand you can trust blindly. However, do not take this if you are already suffering from a heart or kidney disease. Also, do not take more than the recommended dose.

Heals Malaria And Dysentery:

Another amazing benefit of horse chestnut is its ability to heal life threatening and dangerous diseases such as malaria and dysentery (5). The best way to make use of it is to use its bark as a medicine or massage its oil on the body all over the day. Add a few drops of the oil to your herbal tea to feel a difference too.

Precautions And Warnings:

Bleeding Disorders:

Horse chestnut oil can slow blood clotting. If you increase your intake, that will only increase bleeding and bruising. So ensure you don’t use too much of this oil.

 Digestive Disorders:

Both horse chestnut oil and the seeds can irritate the gastrointestinal tract. If you have a bowel disorder, keep away from horse chestnut.

 Kidney Problems:

There are chances that horse chestnut oil can actually increase your kidney problems. So do not use it if you have kidney disease.


Taking seeds, flowers, or leaves of horse chestnut could lead to death. It is poisonous and something we definitely shouldn’t recommend for pregnant or breast feeding females.

 Latex Allergy:

People who are allergic to latex could be allergic to horse chestnut oil too.

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