Friday, April 17, 2015

Banana Peel To Treat Acne

The method of using banana peel for the treatment of acne is not commonly known. The problem with most commercially bought acne treatments is that they do not target the symptoms. And, if you want to get rid of acne completely i.e. prevent any future breakouts except for the usual quirks, follow the banana peel remedy that works surprisingly well.

 How to get started with the banana peel remedy::::

Onion Juice For Hair Growth

Are you suffering from hair loss? Have you tried numerous products but still got no result? Then you probably forgot looking inside your kitchen; because inside your kitchen is where the ultimate hair fall remedy resides!
It is nothing but onion juice, which can efficiently treat acute hair loss! In fact, onion juice is efficient in promoting hair growth and at the same time, prevents hair loss. The best part of using onion juice as a part of your hair care routine is that it is completely safe. Onions are not only easily available, but they are also inexpensive. They are a cost-effective way of ensuring that your hair gets the nourishment it needs.

Herbs That Work Wonders for your Hair


Gooseberry,is a vitamin C rich herb that claims to add shine and lustre to your dull and lifeless hair.This tiny green ball look alike has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, which further helps maintain a healthy scalp, thus promoting hair growth.
Rubbing the scalp with fresh Amla juice or applying the paste of Amla powder mixed with lemon juice on the hair for 10 to 15 minutes prior washing offers positive results.

5 Necessary Hair Care Tips

Hair is an important part of your overall personality and thus hair care is an important part of your beauty regime as well. Though it is important to take care of your beautiful tresses you don’t need to spend too much money or time in taking care of them if you follow some simple tips.

Causes That Trigger Grey Hair At 25

Turning grey can make you look dapper but certainly not at 25! Even a streak of white at this age is distressing. Blame it on your lifestyle, genes, or stress, premature graying is just invincible. With youngsters as its victim.

What Are The Causes Of Grey Hair At 25:

Amazing Health Benefits Of Cashew Butter

Cashew butter is not replete with the goodness of Omega 3 fatty acids, It has nutrients like protein, calcium, iron, vitamin E, riboflavin etc.The butter also contains a moderate amount of healthy fats that your body needs.

Important Health Benefits Of Cashew Butter:

A Good Source Of Magnesium:
Cashew butter is a good source of magnesium, an essential mineral that plays a pivotal role in keeping the body fit and healthy. Consumption of magnesium is important for keeping muscles in shape, and ensuring the metabolic functions and the immune system are optimal.

How To Prepare Olive Oil Hair Mask

Do you have dry and flaky hair?Well, if that is the case, then look no further! There is one hair mask that will do just that. It is olive oil we are talking about!

Preparing The Olive Oil Hair Mask,You Will Need:
½ cup Extra virgin olive oil
¼ cup Honey
2-3 Vitamin-E capsules
Airtight glass jars
Basting brush or paintbrush
Cling Film/ Shower Cap/Plastic grocery bag..